Sunday, May 3, 2009

War Crimes

"Let me get this staight. Torture is against our sensibilities but killing a million American babies every year is health care. "
Apr 29, 2009 @ 06:49 PM

From the comments section of Muslims: 'We Do That On First Dates
by Ann Coulter 04/29/2009

Friday, March 13, 2009

Diogenes: Your search is over.

MEMRI reports:

Egyptian Cleric Safwat Higazi Responds to MEMRI: "Yes, I Am An Antisemite"; If Not for the Arab Rulers, "We Would Devour [The Jews] With Our Teeth"; "We Are Your Enemies… Until The Day Jesus… Descends, Fighting You And Calling To Join Islam.

And his eminence Safwat goes on to state in the same episode of defecation per os:

"Yes, we hate them. Yes, we are hostile to them. By Allah, only our rulers prevent us from getting to you. By Allah, if they let us, we would devour you completely, and we would bite you with our teeth. We would not wait for weapons, for RPGs, or for bullets. If our rulers let us, we would catch you in the street, and we would devour you with our teeth.

These culinary and festive party suggestions have been brought to you by a luminary, and entirely typical proponent, of The Religion of Peace dot org (org here being the Arabic for "I get off on genocide.")

Friday, January 23, 2009


At Gates of Vienna today, the Baron writes:

"Safety in Numbers
by Baron Bodissey
What if other prominent people in the Netherlands decided to imitate Geert Wilders?How many hate-mongers can the Dutch government prosecute at the same time?"

He cites the example of a courageous and common-sensical Dutchman.

Theodor Holman, a columnist for the Amsterdam newspaper Het Parool, by way of support sides with the statements of Geert Wilders. In his column today he writes: “I, Theodor Holman, find the Quran to be as grave as Mein Kampf.” The PVV leader will be prosecuted for the same statement.

Well, I may not be prominent (yet), but I like the idea. Let's all do it.

I, filthykafir (Robert), find the Qur'an a vile disgusting melange of derivative religious practice, superstition, and Jew hatred, all in support of a vicious totalitarian political ideology promoting Arab/Muslim supramacism. I contemptuously denounce it to be more like Mein Kampf than different from it.

There. Spread the word.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Morale Booster

Relayed by Gates of Vienna, these encouraging words from a captured HAMAS terrorist -- apparently an imported jihadi from the nukes-for-peace faction of the Islamic world, Iran.

“Hamas took a gamble. We thought, at worst Israel will come and do something from the air — something superficial. They’ll come in and go out. We never thought that we would reach the point where fear will swallow the heart and the feet will want to flee. You [Israel] are fighting like you fought in ‘48. What got into you all of a sudden?”

Originally published by Arutz Sheva Israel National News

Sunday, January 11, 2009

In the wake of the Islamic terrorist (is there any other kind?) attacks on Mumbai (Bombay), an excellent new English-language blog has been created by dharmaveer. He "gets it." Here is a sample of his first post, from December 29, 2008.

Check out the whole entry and the blog at the link below.

We live in troubled times. Globally, a violent ideology of Jihad, fully rooted in Islamic theology and carried out throughout Islam's history, is affecting non-muslims.Some nations have recognized where this ideology comes from, and they call a spade a spade. Other countries, such as India, refuse to recognize this threat, mostly for reasons of political gains by certain political parties. They deliberately obfuscate the plain facts by making ridiculous statements like "terrorists have no religion" etc. Unfortunately, they do. That religion is Islam, and in particular a radical, orthodox version of it.

[O]rthodox Islam as an ideology is not peace loving and does not permit peaceful co-existence with other religions. Orthodox Islam seeks to extinguish all other religious beliefs and replace them with Islam. And as long as even a small minority of muslims take their religion's core ideology seriously, there will be jihad upon non-muslims.

The purpose of this blog is to do some straight talking. The people who attack us have been taught to hate us for no reason other than that we are Hindus.

[In Orthodox Islam, Hindus] are hated idolators and polytheists about whom the Kuran and Hadith are very clear: their men must be murdered, their women and children enslaved, and their temples destroyed. This is not just my opinion, but that of all the four schools of sunni Islam - the Shafi, Hanafi, Hanbali, and Maliki. Three of these four schools say that the choice to be put before Hindus is simply "convert to Islam or die." Only one - Hanafi - allows Hindus the right to live, but as third class citizens.

These are plain facts. Obfuscating them, or wishing them away, won't solve the problem. We Hindus must be aware of these facts. Truth must always be told, not hidden.We stress that we have nothing against muslims. We only wish to understand the current Jihad upon Hindus in particular, and all non-muslims in general, in light of (a) the theology of Islam and (b) the history of Islam in the Indian subcontinent, which closely follows the theology of Islam.

[T]his ideology is very much alive. We ignore it at our own peril.
Thoughts of a Nationalist Hindu
December 29, 2008

Monday, December 29, 2008

FrontPage sez:

Handing over Gaza was a gamble. Sharon knew it was. But he also knew it was necessary to allow the Palestinians room to succeed or fail of their own accord. They were returned Gaza without strings and they had free, open and democratic elections. They collectively chose the Hamas terrorist group. And Hamas chose destruction over development. Today, all Gazans - those who chose Hamas and those who did not - are reaping the whirlwind.

Bombay Effect

As Taliban take over the Swat Valley in northeast Pakistan, the troops sent to fight them are distracted, according to the AP.

On Friday, Pakistani intelligence officials said thousands of troops were being shifted toward the border with India, which blames Pakistani militants for terrorist attacks in Mumbai last month that killed 164 people. But there has been no sign yet of a major buildup near India.

"The terrorists' aim in Mumbai was precisely this — to get the Pakistani army to withdraw from the western border and mount operations on the east," said Ahmed Rashid, a journalist and author who has written extensively about militancy in the region. "The terrorists are not going to be sitting still. They are not going to be adhering to any sort of cease-fire while the army takes on the Indian threat. They are going to occupy the vacuum the army will create."
Scenic Pakistani valley falls to Taliban militants